Character Creation

When it comes to making a character, creating options for a player is essential to making a character feel unique. Having a backstory element or character trait reinforced through a mechanic helps to make that character's trait feel important. Thus, this character creation section will add features to make each character feel like their choices have meaning.

Additionally, this sets up the slightly wider spread in numbers that this version offers over 5e, keeping numbers lower at the start, spreading the advancement out over time. One problem that I find with 5e is that there generally is no reason to ever buff a secondary stat, and this method of generation and ASI encourages that.

In the sidebar, you will find different links to different parts of the character creation process with the main section detailed here.

Character Sheets

Creating a Concept

Creating a character requires the user have in mind the type of character they want to play and some basic backstory elements. Critical elements such as their origin, their former occupation, race, and more all come into effect when creating a character.

Before we get started with assigning numbers, keep in mind that no ability score should be higher than a 15 when your character is finished. This will be mentioned throughout.

Choosing a Class

When choosing a class, most things remain the same as 5th edition. However, each class gets an ability score improvement of +2 in the ability score of their class.Note: If a class has more than one choice, you may split the two points into a +1/+1

Hold onto this boost for later when we get to assigning stats.

Class-Ability Table

Class Ability Score
Artificer Intelligence
Barbarian Strength or Constitution
Bard Charisma
Blood Hunter Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence
Cleric Wisdom
Druid Wisdom
Fighter Strength or Dexterity
Monk Dexterity
Paladin Honor
Ranger Dexterity or Wisdom
Rogue Dexterity
Shaman Wisdom
Sorcerer Charisma
Warlock Charisma
Wizard Intelligence

Choosing a Race

When choosing a race, much of it remains the same with 5th edition, however, there are some new changes.

Firstly, if your race has any ability score increases, ignore those. This includes subraces as well, however, if an ability score is listed in your subrace, you may use your ability boost in that stat.

Your race gives you a single +2 to one ability score. If a race offers a choice, you may choose two of the choices and gain a +1 in each, including a choice from a subrace. This chart is a shorthand for the ability boost from the different races.

Race NameAbility Boost
AarakocraDexterity or Wisdom
AasimarCharisma or Subclass
ChangelingCharisma or Honor
DragonbornStrength or Honor
DwarfConstitution, Honor, or Subclass
ElfDexterity or Subclass
FirbolgWisdom or Strength
GenasiConstitution or Subclass
GithIntelligence or Subclass
GnomeIntelligence or Subclass
GoblinDexterity or Constitution
GoliathStrength, Constitution, or Honor
HalflingDexterity or Subclass
KenkuDexterity or Wisdom
LizardfolkConstitution or Wisdom
OrcStrength or Constitution
TabaxiDexterity or Charisma
TieflingCharisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom
TritonStrength, Constitution, or Honor
WarforgedConstitution, Dexterity, or Strength


Now, the world of Tar is not nearly as separated racially as other settings and inter-species breeding is common and not looked down upon. Therefore, being a combination or two, three, or even four races is not uncommon at all. When creating a half-race character, consider what your character’s base race is. This is your character’s primary race and what they’ll be basing their character on.

Once you’ve chosen a base race, consult the chart and see which feature(s) you are losing. Remove this feature from that race and choose your secondary race. From this race, you gain all the non-ability score boosting abilities that are not on the chart below.

Half-Race Ability Loss Table

RaceLost Ability
DragonbornBreath Weapon & Draconic Toughness
FirbolgFirbolg Magic
GenasiMingle with the Wind/Merge with Stone/Reach to the Blaze/Call to the Wave
GithMental Discipline/Decadent Mastery
GnomeGnome Cunning
GoblinNimble Escape
GoliathMountain Born
HumanVersatile Upbringing
LizardfolkNatural Armor
TabaxiCat’s Talent
TieflingInfernal Legacy
TritonControl Air and Water

Finally, choose your racial +2 from either of your races’ choices.

Half Elfs and Flavored Sub-Races

Additionally, you may decide that you don’t want to take on any of the traits of your other race. In this case, just role play as a half-breed, keeping the features of the base race. The only exception to this rule is half-elves which you can choose to play the half-elf race in 5e, adding one feature from the other race that is not on this chart.

Origin & Occupation

In addition to having a race and class boost to your ability scores, you gain a boost from your town/region or origin and your former occupation before you started adventuring. You cannot gain the same ability score from both origin and occupation.

In addition to the ability boosts, you also gain a proficiency and a special ability for both occupation and origin.

You can find a list of Origins here and a list of Former Occupations here.

Starting Feat

In addition to all of these background features, each player may select a feat at 1st level. This feat may be from one of the existing feats, however, if the feat comes with an ability score increase, it cannot raise an ability score above 15.

More ideally, you should work with your DM to create a feat which suits your character, their intended playstyle in tandem with their background. The DM has every right to reject a feat like this if they believe it to not be flavorful enough for your character.

Rolling For Stats

In this system, you roll for stats or may take a standard array of stats. These stats will seem low to experienced players of D&D5e, but there will be plenty of bonuses.


For each of the ability scores excluding Honor (unless you are a Paladin, see next section) , roll 1d6+6. Once you have your six numbers generated, add them up. If your total is greater than or equal to 58, and there are no more than 2 stats equal to or lower than 8, that is your stat array. Unless you are a Paladin, set your Honor score to 10 now. Feel free to distribute these numbers, or come back to them when you have a better idea of your character concept.


For Honor, most characters start at an Honor of 10, however, Paladins get to roll for their Honor, given that it is their primary ability score. If your total among the seven numbers sums to 68 or higher, then you may proceed

Assigning Stats

Now that you have your stats rolled, and your background and racial features chosen, you should have a completed stat array with no stat greater than 15.

Now that these stats are finalized, calculate different modifiers based on your stats.

Class Save DC

Even if you don’t necessarily have to use it right away, calculate your class’s save DC. Add 8 + proficiency + your class’s save stat, which can be found in the chart below.

Class NameAbility Boost
Blood HunterIntelligence
FighterStrength or Dexterity

Attunement Slots

You gain an amount of attunement slots equal to your level + your Wisdom modifier.

Bonus Skills and Specialties

In addition to your background skills, you gain additional skills based on your Intelligence modifier. You gain an additional amount of skills equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Additionally, you can choose to forego a skill from your Intelligence modifier and instead choose a language plus two skill specialties of your choice.

When your intelligence modifier increases, you may add a new skill. If your intelligence modifier decreases by magical means, your proficiencies are not affected, however, if your Intelligence at any point becomes 1 or lower, you lose all your proficiencies temporarily until your Intelligence is restored.